Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jett's 1st Trip to Tennessee

We took our first trip to Tennessee, since having Jett, at the end of March. Jett got to meet his great grandparents, his great aunts and uncles, and his cousins for the first time. It was all a little overwhelming at first, but Jett eventually got used to everyone loving on him! Aunt Winnie made a special trip to Clifton just to see Jett. Great aunt Cindy helped "little Mommy" Addison hold Jett, and Brianna got to hold him while he was sleeping. Avery waited patiently for all of the girls to get done holding Jett, so he could have his turn. Claire got a hand in Avery's picture. Avery is glad to have another boy in the family. We also saw cousins William and Madison, but I completely forgot to take pictures when we were at Grandmother's house! We'll have to get more pictures next time.
It was a quick trip, but a good one. We'll definitely fly next time. The drive from Lake Charles, LA to Clifton, TN is definitely too long with a brand new baby, even when you do it in two days! Hopefully, our Tennessee crew will come visit us this summer. We are definitely looking forward to visiting with everybody again!