Sunday, January 17, 2010

1 Year Old

Jett is 1 year old now. Well, 1 year and 8 days to be exact. He is so big! I can't believe it. At his 11 month well-check, Jett was 31 1/2 inches tall (90th percentile) and 22 lb 7oz (70th percentile). I really need to measure and weigh him again. I know he's taller now, and he's definitely heavier! Jett now has one tooth and three partials. They are all on the bottom! Maybe those top teeth will come in sometime soon. Also, while we were at Mawmaw's house, Jett took his first steps! He took 8 steps in Mawmaw's hallway. He sat down when he realized nobody was holding on to him. Since then, he's taken a few steps here and there, but never more than 5. He waves hello and bye bye to everyone now. Jett also refuses to eat baby food now, so it's good that he got some teeth. He loves hot dogs, french fries, and ice cream the most! We do throw some healthy options in there too. He is hilarious eating french fries. He dips them in imaginary ketchup on his highchair tray. He knows that you dip french fries! I wish I could say that he sleeps through the night, but unfortunately he only sleeps about 4 hours at a time. We love him anyway! Below are just some of his 1 year pictures. I'll try not to wait so long to post next time!

So sweet in Opa's outfit!