Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Jett: Our Big Boy

Jett amazes me more and more every day. He is just too big! He is loving morning assembly. Yesterday he was showing some school spirit singing the "Mighty Mighty Tigers" song. He said that they also sing the "Purple Mountains" song:) Jett was so surprised when his Daddy and I started singing America the Beautiful. As I was reviewing the bulletin for his class, Jett asked me what it said. I read the things they were going to work on this week. He stopped me after I said nouns. He then explained what a noun was. I love that he is so proud! We got Jett's first progress report Friday. He got 100's in everything! I'm still shocked that kindergarten gets grades, but I knew we had a smart cookie:) Jett got a Tiger Paw again yesterday. As far as I can tell, these awards are given for being a good listener. This is his second time in less than a month. He really likes getting a prize from the Principal's office. We are so proud of our big boy!

Pop and Polly came to visit last weekend for Daddy's birthday. The boys really enjoyed their time with them and are always sad when they leave. The boys and I did cupcakes and gifts with Daddy on Monday. They were so proud of the card they made! We had our second soccer practice last night. It still looks pretty rough, but I think Jett was a little more aggressive last night and whined a little less:) The boys love that Daddy is their coach!

Progress report. Sorry for the bad pic.

Such a good sentence!

Showing Daddy his birthday card:)

Ready to sing


Daddy's card. Jett drew the race cars:)