Monday, August 3, 2009

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since I've blogged. If you didn't already know, we have recently purchased our 1st home. We have been so busy adding our personal touches to the house, that we haven't had much time for anything else. Hopefully we'll be done soon!
This picture was taken at Adli's 1st birthday party, which was a pool party. Jett had so much fun! He must have sat under that palm tree in the water for nearly an hour and a half. He loves the water!
Jett is so happy in the mornings when he wakes up! He loves to get tangled up in the sheets.

Jett's getting really good at sitting up by himself. He finds chewing on Tom's tail very amusing!

Jett is getting closer and closer to crawling. He now can push himself backwards and also turn around in circles.

Jett loves his new highchair! Thank you Polly and Pop. Jett will eat pretty much anything you give him. He loves all of the stage 2 baby foods and sweet potato puffs! Maybe he'll get some teeth soon.