Monday, November 5, 2012

Summer Visits at G & Opa's House

We had a lot of fun at G & Opa's house this summer!  Jett got a lot more comfortable with swimming in the pool this year.  We have great hopes for next year!  I believe we may do a little swimming in the hot tub this winter just so it stays familiar:)  Jett loves the rock climbing wall & planet diagram with movable shuttle at the park in G & Opa's neighborhood!  I'm sure we will visit the park some more on future visits.  I've included some of my favorite pictures from all of our visits.  Enjoy!

 Jett playing with Ace & Momma.  Just a little water to spit out:)

 Momma & her sweet boys:)

 Jett loves to play volleyball in the pool!

 Jett loves moving the shuttle.

 Jett did a great job telling Momma & Ace all about the planets.

 They love to run!

 Climbing to the top to slide.

 Jett is really good at the rock climbing wall!

 No smile for Momma.

Reading a book with Opa:)